Monthly Archives: April 2016

Easy Dairy-Free, Sugar-Free Super Smoothie Recipe

Do you struggle with what to fix for breakfast each morning?

Do you ever get a craving for a thick, creamy milkshake but know you shouldn’t indulge because the high sugar content and other questionable chemicals it might contain?

Do you ever find yourself in serious need of a chocolate or dessert “fix” (you know what I mean, when it has been that kind of a day)?

If you want to be healthy but find yourself in any of the above scenarios (or any variation of the above), I have good news for you!

From the time my kids were small, I had to get creative as my oldest son had severe asthma and eating any kind of dairy would trigger a coughing fit and subsequent breathing difficulties. I also knew that sugar is hard on the immune system. Since a simple cold would inevitably move him into a 3-day asthma episode, I had to take drastic measures to feed him in a strictly healthy manner – and that meant no dairy and no refined sugar!

But even if you – or your children – are not in such a place necessitating drastic changes in food intake, you can still satisfy your cravings – for creaminess, chocolate (if you so desire) and dessert – just whip up a Super Shake or Smoothie!

In celebration of the 3rd Here’s the DEAL book – slated for soon release – I am going to give you one of my favorite Super Smoothie recipes as a peek into what is in store for those who want ideas for a variety of healthy, creamy, delicious, dairy-free and sugar-free dessert drinks for any hour of the day!

Chocolate Berry Blast Smoothie

2 chunks frozen banana
1 ice cube
1 large strawberry
1 tsp. raw cacao powder
1 Tb. Flaxseeds
Unsweetened almond milk (about 10 oz)
2 tsp fruit fiber (optional)
Dairy free protein powder (optional)

Put ingredients into Magic Bullet, Nutribullet or blender. Whir for several seconds until well blended. This is a berry chocolate-y delightful smoothie!

Note: If you desire a lower carbohydrate count for the meal, simply replace the banana chunks with more ice cubes.

Additional Options:
Add ½ tsp pure vanilla extract
Add 1-2 Tb coconut cream for added creaminess and satiety.

Note: The frozen banana gives an “ice –creaminess” to the shake that you might find hard to believe –until you try it out for yourself!

I’d love for you to make this recipe and let me know what you think!

I also love to hear from you regarding your own favorite drinks and dishes.

And – don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for more recipes coming soon.

Stay healthy and happy!