Megan C. Scott is over 40 – and loves to eat. 🙂 Passionate about health and healthy eating since the age of 16, Megan loves to share encouragement, practical tips and recipes with those who have a desire to feel better and live life to the fullest.
Megan ate a typical “Standard American Diet” (S.A.D. for short) until she was about 16 years of age. At that time, she encountered various health issues including low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia. She then began a quest to research a way to treat her symptoms with food, rather than drugs. All these years later, she still believes that food is the best medicine! She is ever searching for healthy, easy to prepare foods that will boost both health and energy.
Mom to 4 children and Grandma to 2, Megan is never far from the kitchen – and balancing healthy eating with “taste good” flavor and texture is one of her favorite challenges.
Several of her children faced health challenges growing up as well, and fresh, often organic foods and supplements were employed to see a big turnaround in their well-being. Megan is happy to report that they are all grown now, and in excellent health. Her grandchildren enjoy nearly boundless energy, and when they come to visit, love to snack on the nutritional “gummies” that Megan keeps in stock in her home. They also love her famous (and healthy) chocolate chip cookies! 🙂
She enjoys writing, reading, blogging, coaching, cooking and spending time with her family and friends. She lives life with daily inspiration from God, and she loves to help people envision a bright future full of hope and promise, and then to help them create an action plan so they can walk into that future.
Megan plans the upcoming (soon release) of a number of specialty recipe books that focus on the “DEAL” way of eating. She does not want anyone to run out of ideas for how to make healthy eating both simple AND delicious!