I am so pleased that my first flagship book: “Here’s The Deal: Healthy Weight Loss and Fat Burning Over 40” continues to gain readers and reviewers after just a few short weeks on the shelves. Thank you! This tells me that you resonate with the message and are believing with me that getting into shape while eating healthy, delicious food is not only possible, it can also be an adventure!
Since there are always many more readers than reviewers, I especially want to give a special “shout out” to those of you who took the time to give your honest feedback on the impact of the book on your lives.
Here’s what just a few reviewers had to say:
Packed with action items you can check right off of your list – Healthy Weight Loss is a book PACKED with the real DEAL – literally. Using the acronym D-E-A-L, the author makes memorable cues for lifestyle changes that can be acted upon in small increments that affect BIG changes.
If you didn’t like anything ELSE in the book, (and THAT’s not gonna happen!) the price of the book is WELL WORTH the price JUST for the amazing chocolate bar recipe at the end . . . can’t WAIT to try the Organic Homemade Chocolate Bar Bliss TOMORROW!! TWO thumbs up + 5 stars on this one!
— Darin Pope
And Esbee had this to say:
I’m not talking about the price of the book when I say, “What a great DEAL!”
I’m talking about the “DEAL” approach to healthy weight loss as described in this book. A simple, practical approach that really seems easy to follow.
Recipes like “Organic Homemade Chocolate Bar Bliss” and “Chocolate Protein Shake for Breakfast” make sure that the “Yum” factor is not ignored in your diet.
I mean, instead of fighting your cravings, you can actually substitute them with healthy choices. In fact, the book gives plenty of healthy substitutes to satisfy your taste buds.
If you think its all about desserts and chocolate, then consider other recipes like the “Quick and Easy Power Packed Cole Slaw”, “Super Easy Leftover Bean Soup” or the exotic sounding “Sweet Heat Veggie Asian Stir Fry”
But, this is not a recipe book, it is an entire weight loss strategy. The book is entertaining to read and written in a conversational style. You often get a feel that the author is actually having a personal conversation with you sprinkled with anecdotes and humor.
But, the real highlight of the book is the “DEAL” strategy which although aimed at the 40+ crowd is a wonderful approach to healthy eating at any age.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired By Christy A. Yoder
I’m ready for some changes in this area of my life, and this book is just the jump-start I’ve been looking for! I love the way the author gave examples throughout the book of her own personal journey. She makes it seem like an exciting adventure, rather than your typical boring diet! And, believe me, I know all about boring diets. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author!
A Unique Weight Loss Book By 2acres
Today it seems like every weight loss book is the same thing, just said in a different way. The author of this book took a different stance on weight loss, one that I think will actually work, whether you are over 40 or not. She breaks the process down into simple steps and she even allows you to have CHEAT days. Who wouldn’t want those? I think this book could be the answer for many people trying to lose weight, me included!
Want to Lose Weight? This is the Real Deal!
By Wendy
Diets are never fun, that’s probably why most of them don’t work. They’re restrictive and the poor dieter feels they’re being denied all the good things in life!
This is where this weight loss book is different. It encourages you to tailor your eating to match your personality and lifestyle. As long as you incorporate each of the deals into each day (there are 4 or them) you will lose weight and keep it off.
Being able to make a decision on how you will lose weight each day removes the feeling of denial and puts you in control of your weight loss.
There is also some information on two different ways to measure your weight loss. One is better than the other. Find out how!
Sensible Healthy Weight Loss Guide, By
Colin G Smith
This is an original and well written book about effective weight loss for the over 40’s. With the D.E.A.L. method you will learn how to eat healthily and exercise in a way that you find fun. The guide makes use of effective tracking techniques (“What get’s measured get’s done”) so you are more likely to achieve your weight/health goals.
The book is packed with healthy weight loss tips and tricks, tasty recipes and there is even a chapter on, “food substitutions for the stuff you crave.”
What about you? I would love your feedback on the book as well! Also, please tell me about what types of dishes and recipes you would like to see in upcoming books, and what you crave that you WISH there was a healthy alternative to that you could consume without guilt.
Thank you again to all of you, my special readers. We’re on this journey together, and it wouldn’t be the same without you! 🙂