Monthly Archives: July 2017

Keep the Kitchen Cool With Delicious Mexican Crockpot Recipe

Blog Bite: Keep the Kitchen Cool With Delicious Mexican Crockpot Recipe!

It’s summertime, and that means the kitchen gets mighty hot if you’re using the stove or the oven! So how can you eat healthy and still enjoy cooked food during the dog days of summer?

This brief blog bite will share a delicious summer Crock-Pot recipe using peppers and other easy to find ingredients. The crock pot not only uses very little energy, it also doesn’t heat up the kitchen as other appliances will.

Check out this scrumptious Mexican recipe made with mild peppers and easy to find ingredients. I absolutely love the combination of flavors and the fact that my kitchen can stay cool while my tummy stays warm!

P.S. – Organic chips are optional – this dish is just as delicious as is – straight from your slow cooker. 🙂


What is Detox?

Commonly, people think of detoxification as something to help those who are dependent on alcohol or drugs to get over their addiction. Although that is one meaning of detoxification, there are other many ways of detoxifying that people can use to improve their health and well-being. A detox diet is one such method.

Our bodies may contain many potentially harmful and toxic chemicals and a detox diet can help to remove that burden from the body. Detox diets have many and various plans and may come in a number of formats. If you do an internet search for the term “detox diet”, you will find a number of options. So how do you know what’s the best one for you? Well, it really depends on your own personal preferences.

When you decide to choose a detox diet plan, remember your primary goal. This goal is to get rid of his many potentially harmful substances from your body as you can. Even if you never consume alcohol or engage in illegal or prescription drug use, it’s still possible for chemicals to make their way into your system. The sad truth is that certain studies show there’s a whole lot more than just fluoride in many sources of our drinking water.

Since the main goal of detoxifying is to cleanse your body, it is of vital importance to choose your foods and drinks wisely. First, look at your diet and determine which substances are potentially harmful. Do you like to drink soda and or coffee? Caffeine in moderation is okay, yet caffeine is not something necessary for our bodies to function. For this cause, if you’re looking to begin a detox diet, you are typically going to want to eliminate coffee and soda from your diet- even if it’s just for a few days.

What can you use in place of coffee and soda? Natural vegetable juices are good, as well as fruit and veggie infused water. Teas, particularly herbal teas, are an excellent choice of fluids during your detox.

Toxins must be expelled from the body, so foods that are high in fiber are recommended during your detox and are healthy to use on a daily basis. High fiber foods can help regulate your digestive system and keep things moving along. Pure water as well as fiber will also help you to flush your body of things you don’t want or need in your system.

Many processed foods we consume are full of additives and chemicals. Even traditional fruits and vegetables are often coated with pesticides, waxes, and dyes. We definitely do not need these substances to survive. One of the best ways to detoxify your body is to cut out those foods that contain added chemicals, colorants, and unhealthy additives. Eating organic foods is a great way to improve your diet.

But what if you are on a budget? It’s true that in some places organic foods cost more, but check out your local grocery store or health food store for sales and specials. Some grocery chains specialize now in inexpensive organic options. Check out cereals as well as peanut butter, snacks, and of course fruits and vegetables. A diet high in fruits and vegetables has many and numerous health benefits. In addition, you might look into a local co-op for inexpensive produce options that are unsprayed or organically grown.

How long should a detox diet last? Some diets specify three days while other plans might call for two weeks or even longer. In many cases 7 to 10 days is a good option, but you need to tune in to your own body to know for sure. If you have super strong reactions, incorporate some regular (hopefully healthier) foods back into your diet to slow down the symptoms. However, there are numerous benefits to daily practicing certain components of a detox diet, such as eliminating caffeine and soda, or increasing your intake of organic foods.

I find it very helpful to incorporate at least one detoxing food or drink to your diet on a daily basis, so you will have less buildup of toxins to contend with during the times that you want to go on a longer detoxing plan.

For more information on adding a detox component to your daily life, you can purchase the Here’s the DEAL – Healthy Weight Loss book (link in the sidebar) which explores a number of options based on your personal preferences. The “D” in DEAL is all about the Detox component of a healthy diet. Here’s to a healthier and happier you!

Watermelon detox drink

Blog Bite – Detox Water Recipe!

What is a Blog Bite, you may ask?

A BLOG BITE is a short, compact post intended to deliver food inspiration – from sources that I personally love and recommend!

I will be incorporating these from time to time interspersed with traditional blog posts – and route you to my favorite food blogger(s) with delicious, healthy recipes you will love!

Here’s my latest favorite:

This is delicious, nutritous and detoxifying all wrapped up in one simple recipe.

Hint: I also like to add some fresh slices of ginger root to give it a bit of a kick as well as added health benefits.

Who said detoxing needs to be boring?

Bring on the melon! 🙂