Keep the Kitchen Cool With Delicious Mexican Crockpot Recipe

Blog Bite: Keep the Kitchen Cool With Delicious Mexican Crockpot Recipe!

It’s summertime, and that means the kitchen gets mighty hot if you’re using the stove or the oven! So how can you eat healthy and still enjoy cooked food during the dog days of summer?

This brief blog bite will share a delicious summer Crock-Pot recipe using peppers and other easy to find ingredients. The crock pot not only uses very little energy, it also doesn’t heat up the kitchen as other appliances will.

Check out this scrumptious Mexican recipe made with mild peppers and easy to find ingredients. I absolutely love the combination of flavors and the fact that my kitchen can stay cool while my tummy stays warm!

P.S. – Organic chips are optional – this dish is just as delicious as is – straight from your slow cooker. 🙂


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